Turning your fitness center into a location where members love to come to does not have to be difficult. In addition to presenting those working out there with excellent facilities and sufficient space to enjoy their activities, motivating them with the right signage solutions helps. When commissioning your motivational vinyl graphics for fitness centers in Phoenix, AZ and Scottsdale, AZ, you have plenty of options.

Lobby Sign Repetition

There is a good chance that your members chose your venue in part because of its name and logo. While the quality of the experience is undoubtedly at the forefront of the reasons that members keep coming back, the display of your name and logo also provides them with the confidence that you could offer the type of fitness experiences they were hoping to enjoy. Repeating the lobby sign’s logo display along the walls of your gym is easy with wall graphics. Incorporate them into a mural or use them as stand-alone decals.

Variety of Branding Options

  • Your walls can become an integral part in the overall fitness experience. Display medicine ball targets for cross fit activities.
  • Motivate those using your equipment, attending classes or participating in other activities with murals that combine the likenesses of athletes with motivational sayings.
  • Go beyond the exercise. Dedicate a wall to the display of healthy food choices. Encourage the consumption of fruits, vegetables and healthy beverages. There is no need to post pictures of the less than desirable food choices.
  • Train aspiring athletes how to use weights and other equipment correctly. A mural depicting the different steps of selecting the right machine, and then using it, lets everyone feel confident at your gym.
  • Create a challenge wall. Whether you support a number of basketball leagues, running teams, swim teams or weight lifting clubs at your venue, consider a wall that bears their dedicated logo and name.

Selecting the Interior Signage for Fitness Centers in Phoenix, AZ and Scottsdale, AZ

One of the most common mistakes is the assumption that your members want to see buff athletes and be pushed to achieve stellar heights. While there is certainly room for these types of graphics, consider that the average member does probably not fall into this category. They may be more encouraged by a mural depicting Johanna Quaas, paired with a text box that encourages the long-term approach to personal fitness, than they are by a depiction of Kobe Bryant in his youth.

Our graphic artists gladly meet with you at your facility to take measurements of the area and help with a brainstorming session. We offer you insights into the types of vinyl graphics your competitors are choosing and also provide you with suggestions based on the unique layout of your venue. Whether you want to treat one wall or multiple wall surfaces, we can help you with the design and installation of whole-wall murals, decals and graphics. When you also want to include your windows into the mix, consider the addition of vinyl graphics that bring your motivational message to those entering as well.