When is the best time to update the look of your school? Sometimes major construction jobs are unavoidable during the school year, but you know the liability risks and disruptions caused by this work can be a real pain. Instead, when possible, the ideal time to complete your projects is during the summer. Fortunately, Spotlight Signs and Imaging Solutions is ready to provide you with school signs in Chandler, AZ before classes are back in session. Here are some popular options.

Sponsorship Banners

These days, schools are more cash-strapped than ever. Unfortunately, the first programs on the chopping block are typically extracurricular activities. Luckily, sponsors are usually available to pick up the slack and keep these necessary services afloat. One way to show appreciation for these organizations is with sponsorship banners.

Chandler High School recently contacted us for sponsorship banners to highlight the many business owners who have helped support their athletic programs. They show their appreciation with slick advertisements on their scoreboard and along their sidelines.

Interior Wayfinding

There are some massive schools in the Chandler area. As a new student at one of these facilities, it can be quite intimidating trying to find the right classroom and amenities. Help out your newest pupils by adding and updating your interior wayfinding signage.

One common alternative is to install blade signs to identify the entrances to cafeterias, front offices, auditoriums, and more. These markers stick out perpendicular to the wall so that kids can see them from far away. Vinyl graphics are also a smart and affordable way to make different rooms and departments easy to find.

Gymnasium Graphics and Wall Murals

Nothing inspires school spirit quite like rallying around a mascot and proudly displaying your school colors. Whether you’re a Puma, Bear, Colt, Husky, or Wolf, seeing your mascot throughout your venue will inspire pride and respect in your students.

This was especially true at Chandler High School, where we installed several wall murals designed to motivate pupils to pursue excellence. Vinyl graphics work well inside of gymnasiums as well. Schools used to paint their mascot on each wall of a gym. Today, thanks to advances in digital printing technology, vinyl graphics can do the same job faster, more affordably, and with sharper, clearer colors that don’t fade.

And Much More!

We may sound a little biased because we mentioned Chandler High School so much in today’s post, but it is just because we have done a lot of work for them. For instance, a few years ago, we installed a new marquee with an LED message board as well as a heavy-duty plaque commemorating the school’s history. We are more than happy to provide all of these solutions and more for your school as well.

Whether you help manage Chandler-Gilbert Community College, Hamilton High School, Willis Junior High, Frye Elementary, or any of the other educational institutions in Chandler, you know that the summer is the best time to get work done on your facilities. Contact Spotlight Signs and Imaging Solutions today to get started on school signs in Chandler, AZ.