If there was a way of being more effective at your next exhibition, would you pay attention? The experts at Spotlight Signs and Imaging Solutions have talked to our successful clients and collected eight must-have trade show tips for Tempe, AZ, expos.

1. Vetting the Target Demographic

Not all trade shows are created equal. In fact, there are plenty of them that may not be specifically geared toward your niche. Could you still take your displays there? Sure! But you have to tweak them for the audience. For example, the outdoor expos are geared toward fishing, hunting, boat and tackle manufacturers. But this does not mean that tire makers, cookware retailers and car dealerships cannot set up a booth. You just have to find a way to tie in your service or product into the theme of the show.

2. Deciding on the Giveaways

If you are attending a hunting and fishing expo, do not give away beach balls. If you are setting up your display at a golf trade show, branded office supplies will not cut it. Plan ahead for giveaways that brand your business while taking into consideration the expo audience’s makeup.

3. Having Realistic Goals

Do not expect to set up your display, make 10 sales in the first hour, get 50 qualified leads in the second and then strike a deal with a national distributor in the third. While it could happen, it is highly unlikely. Instead, craft a goal that creates a realistic return on investment in your trade show setup.

4. Working with Experts in the Field

Our clients know that they can count on our professionals to create the most visually attractive setups. They also know that working with experts calls for clear directions, a vision for the setup and also a budget that supports it. While we welcome rush orders, remember that they cost extra. Plan ahead to save money.

5. Being Bold

This may be the year to step out of your comfort zone and attend a show with a new display that shows your business in a new light. The goal is for show attendees to remember you and the product. If your booth blends in, so will your product.

6. Beating the Drum Ahead of the Event

Press releases, article marketing email blasts and newsletters are just some of the ways that you can beat the drum about your upcoming trade show attendance. Call your customers or clients. Offer specials, discounts and free gifts to those clients who visit your booth. In short, create a buzz well ahead of the event.

7. Incorporating the Internet

Quick response codes (QR codes) are not new. Even so, plenty of retailers and especially service providers are not yet utilizing them to their fullest potentials. By creating an online tie-in that provides a value-added experience, you persuade more show attendees to stop by and check out what you have to offer.

8. Setting up for Success

Much has been said and written in trade show tips for expos in Tempe, AZ, that focuses on the placement of tables. But did you know that the placement of retractable banner stands also matters? Our friendly professionals gladly walk you through the possibilities that help you to stand out.

Don’t forget you can browse our trade show exhibitor’s handbook right here!